Our Guarantee

Our guarantee to you is the following:

1. If you use one of our referred companies and don't save on whichever Disney Vacation Component you bought, we'll send you a $50 Disney Gift Card. 

2. If you use a company that we referred and they do not deliver on your Disney Vacation Component, we will reimburse you up to $1,000.

Here's the fine details of these Guarantee's:

  1. All savings are compared to the Disney online websites and Main Gate Pricing. If you pay more or equal to these prices, we will consider it that you did not save. If you pay any less than this either per individual component or in total, we will consider it savings. 
  2. You must be able to provide proof that you did in fact purchase from our recommended companies. We will verify this two ways: One, we will contact the company with you on the phone and verify your order. Second, we will require a copy of your original purchase receipt.  
  3. If the company you purchased from has been recommended via one of our Podcast's and you do not receive your Disney Vacation Component(s), we will reimburse you up to $1,000. Not delivering is defined as you paid and never received anything. For tickets, this means you never receive your tickets either via email or box office pick-up. We do not include mailed orders. For your hotel, if you show-up and there is no room in your name at the hotel you booked for your dates. If you miss your dates or cancel any component, whether by you or the company, we will not cover these items. 
  4. Disney Gift Cards or Check's will be made-out to the original purchaser. They will be delivered via USPS Mail to the address you provide.  


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